You might think that since the Oscars are over, all awards have been distributed to all deserving artists the world over. But you'd be wrong, because when it comes to Jewish literature, it's still Awards Season; and when it comes to the the Oscars of the Jewish literary world, the Annual National Jewish Book Awards, you're invited to attend.
On March 6th, when NY's Center for Jewish History hosts the 56th Annual National Jewish Book Awards, admission will be free and open to the public as the People of the Book celebrate the people who write books. There might not be a red carpet or fancy and taxable gift bags, and the paparazzi will likely be very civil and nonintrusive, but the event will feature attendance by Jewish literati, like Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, winner of the Everett Family Foundation Jewish Book of the Year Award for his most recent opus, A Code of Jewish Ethics, Vol. 1: You Shall Be Holy), and winners in sixteen other categories, like Dara Horn (The World to Come), Daniel Mendelsohn (The Lost: A Search for Six of the Six Million), David Cesarani (Becoming Eichmann: Rethinking the Life, Crimes and Trial of a "Desk Murderer") Shuly Rubin Schwartz (The Rabbi's Wife: The Rebbetzin in American Jewish Life) and others.
The event is said to be one of great spirit, and will be hosted by the famous journalistic duo of Ari Goldman and Sam Freedman (both professors at Columbia School of Journalism). The program is followed by a literary schmoozefest and book signing with the authors.
Your only excuse for not going is if you're already in California for Jewlicious at the Beach. Everyone else will want to report to the Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th Street) at 7:30pm for this evening with the Jewish literary stars. More information about this event and a full list of the authors being honored is available here.
(This event is brought to you by the Jewish Book Council.)
Cross-posted at Jewlicious.