For the last several years, I have been to (several, but not all of) the Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly, an annual gathering of mostly Federation professionals, but with representation from many different Jewish nonprofit organizations. Last year was in Israel, so I didn't go. (Too expensive, and no one invited me to be a paid organizer, speaker or presenter, like I had been in Nashville, New Orleans, Denver and Baltimore.) This year is in National Harbor, MD, and again, I'm part of what is becoming known as the #coalitionoftheleftbehind, an ever-changing group of Jewish professionals who feel left out as people begin tweeting about a Jewish conference experience that we're not at.
Sometimes being left behind leads to mournful tweets about FOMO (fear of missing out on great people and conversations). And everyone on-site always talks about how the conference isn't about the sessions but about the networking, and how they wish they could meet more people. So I decided to do something in the spirit of fun. And once the idea occurred to me, I couldn't imagine why no one had done it before. So here's your GA icebreaker/scavenger hunt/Jewish geography-based game. Presenting: #JFNAGABingo. Print it out or play with your friends and use the hashtags. Enjoy!!