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rachel molly

What a beautfiful prayer. I didn't know your mother but the moment i saw that image of the haggadah , childhood memories and visions came flashing back. I have a connection to the number 127, so to me it isnt so weird to see that number, it is a very familiar sight actually (among other things, matriarchal Sarah lived to that age), but that is a lotta bucks! Hag sameach and thank you for sharing.


Thank you so much for sharing. What a beautiful prayer. I just finished hosting my first Seder (solo) at my home. In the past I've always been a guest at the various homes of an Aunt or other loved one bu this year with our daughter turning 2 we wanted to take a turn and make things kid-friendly. I felt like this was so timely and even though I always "helped" with preparations I was truly overwhelmed by everything that had to be done! Thank you again for sharing:-)


Thank you, Angela - so glad that the piece resonated with you. I hope that your friends and family were sufficiently appreciative of the hard work that goes into creating the not-just-a-meal-but-an-experience that is the Passover seder. A wonderful rest of holiday to you!

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