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Chris M

This tolerance is nice Esther. Sadly, when it comes to gays and lesbians, some Jews just like some Muslims and some Christians base hateful bigotry on religious writings and tenets. Any move toward acceptance of all orientations is good (of course).


Wonderful. Hopefully the students can light the path for other institutions.
Why does the Conservative Movement, which seems so open, have a Rabbinical School which is not?


Thanks for your comment, Chris - I agree, hatred and bigotry are not the way.

Meir, I'm sure you know it's complicated - the Conservative movement is tethered to liberal Judaism on one side and more conservative tradition on the other side. Hard to serve both populations, and at some point there may be a split. I guess we'll just have to see how it develops....

Chris M

You're welcome Esther. You and I are members of the one group which can be ridiculed and stereotyped with impunity :-(. That's right, Jerseyites. Have you seen "The Jersey Shore" on MTV? Makes our oft put upon state - look even worse!

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