What would Eliezer Ben Yehuda Tweet? Well, from what we know of the eccentric father of modern Hebrew, he probably would have found the technology (let alone the prospect of what to name it) overwhelming. But that doesn't mean we have to...
The latest initiative from NJOP (National Jewish Outreach Project) is a Hebrew literacy initiative, with Twitter and social media as its hook. And its promotional video features several prominent Twitter celebrities (we're assuming, without their permission).
Twebrew School gives you three free - that's right, we said FREE! - learning options: Tweetups, video lessons, and newsletter signup; and if you already know Hebrew, you can sign up to be a Twebrew School teacher.
Check out your Twebrew twoptions at this twebsite.
Thanks for the link. My son LOVES the videos. His preschool teacher thought they were good also.
Posted by: Isophorone | November 17, 2009 at 07:21 AM