If you're like no one I know, then you've always dreamed of envelopes without that gummy adhesive taste, and instead with the taste of smoky, meaty bacon. Now your dreams - and many rabbinic nightmares - come true, with Mmmvelopes, made by Baconnaise, a company (with an engagingly written website) that makes everything bacon-flavored. Their bacon salt, as a point of fact, was inspired by a kosher wedding.
Technically, EatMeDaily reports, the flavoring is vegan, and therefore, one can reasonably assume contains no pork product that would render it unkosher. But why leave it up to assumptions? J&D's went out and got itself some Kof-K supervision.
Plus, the halakhic problem that I can invent here is the slippery slope caveat: one might assume that if an envelope can be bacon-flavored and contain no bacon extracts or derivatives, then other non-food products that taste like bacon also are bacon-free and vegan. (Some of J&D's products are actually dairy, leading to further adventures in kashrut supervision.)
While the rabbis ponder this modern challenge, kids today have another question:
What's an envelope?
So in 2009, does the snarky guy make the obvious EatMeDaily joke or does he just refer to it and say "I'm not even going there"?
Posted by: What War Zone??? | November 24, 2009 at 11:21 PM
Speaking of Bacon flavored delicassies (sic)... have you ever heard of a "BLTini"?
Martini garnished with bacon... actually not bad.
Posted by: Chicago Jewish Singles | November 25, 2009 at 02:28 PM