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You know what was so great about the conference? Speakers like Hank W who I never would have listened to on purpose and the legal panel... I found them compelling and thought provoking.

I liked that I was exposed to speakers I might not have otherwise committed to, and I found the celebrity speakers to be a HUGE yawn, except Mariel Hemingway, who was brilliant and articulate and shared some of her thoughts about conveying information without giving away too much.

Fred Graver

HEY... Women ARE funny... Every show I've ever staffed has had plenty of women! Don't get me started! As for developing beyond the iPhone, blame Apple... they've made it easy and thrown down the gauntlet for everyone else. I hear that there's some breakthroughs coming with Blackberry and Android, and we'll hop onto those platforms asap.


the slackmistress

Crap! I missed Fred's but was lucky enough to talk with at length on Tuesday.

I agree with Jessica about people I didn't expect to enjoy or learn from who blew me away like Hank who did the Mad Man to Tweetaholic was brilliant (and made me kinda nervous as I had to speak after him!)


Thanks for commenting, y'all, and for your presentations at the conference. I'm honored that you're choosing to carry on the conversation here, truly.

Jessica, I obviously agreed over the celebrity speakers; for most I was like, why are they here? I love Heroes, too, but would have loved to have seen regular Tweeter @GregGrunberg representing instead of @TimKring, who hasn't Tweeted, like ever.

Fred, I was letting one of my frustrations seep in with the "women aren't funny" comment. I hear it from my male comic friends all the time, followed by a "no offense." Nice. And as for "blame Apple," I do, regularly. :) Keep me posted on BlackBerry breakthroughs. And if you ever staff another show that needs another woman to meet your standards of equal staffing, you know who to call. (Me. I meant me.)

Nina, I'm glad you had the chance to talk to Fed and Hank: highlights for me personally and I'm sure for the other 140conf peeps. I'm amazed that you manage so many different voices and Twitter accounts online and look forward to seeing Woke Up Dead ( and blogging/tweeting about it.

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