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Jewish Teacher

A fellow twitter addict! Great!


This is good to hear Esther. Beyond 'sticky' people & situations, what you also need are possibly good old fashioned tiers of organizations who are doing slightly different things at different times or life cycles. One or more groups to 'gather' in interested or 'semi' interested folks, another to try & pick up and further integrate them into various functions and/or more groups dedicated to doing or acting on behalf of a certain interest(s). I've always thought that the possibilities represented by arts, all sorts & kinds of arts, were severely under represented in many venues. You'd not believe how many folks may be attracted to such events and are interested in participating on some level. Ditto for sports & sporting.

So all the force and effect of the new is wonderful & refreshing. But never forget that the paths that led here are often forgotten and lie fallow, and might bear some investigation too. Not every organization can now afford to 'do it all', nor should they. You can not be constantly reinventing the wheel if someone else is familiar with your issues & may want to partner with you on them. Cheers & Good Luck! 'VJ'

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