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Mike Jutan

Hi Esther!

Mike Jutan here! Thank you so much for this hilarious review and for posting a link to our app!

I wrote this with my buddy Matt and we've gotten some really nice comments so far (including yours!)

I am near sure this quote made my entire MONTH:
"You use your iPhone religiously, but do you really use it RELIGIOUSLY?"
hahahaha, classic.

Thank you kindly for your support. If you have any more questions or anything, no worries, just give me a shout. Keep your eye on our website - after the holidays we'll post which San Francisco Jewish charity we donated to.

Mike Jutan :)
Co-developer, iMenorah

Mike Jutan

Hi Esther!

Mike Jutan here! Thank you so much for this hilarious review and for posting a link to our app!

I wrote this with my buddy Matt and we've gotten some really nice comments so far (including yours!)

I am near sure this quote made my entire MONTH:
"You use your iPhone religiously, but do you really use it RELIGIOUSLY?"
hahahaha, classic.

Thank you kindly for your support. If you have any more questions or anything, no worries, just give me a shout. Keep your eye on our website - after the holidays we'll post which San Francisco Jewish charity we donated to.

Mike Jutan :)
Co-developer, iMenorah

Barry Schwartz

Your readers might also want to know about our free menorah at

It is smart and sounds nice also.

Jesse Cohen

That is a great app! I also just created Jewish Humor app if anyone wants to give it a try - iVey.

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