The Israeli Secret Service has launched a blog to recruit new people, featuring regular Hebrew posts by four members of its staff. The identities of these bloggers are cloaked--we know an initial, and what area of the Shabak website they work in. Three are male, and only one is female.
Every day users can tune in to the site to learn about “N”, head of the QA department and his double life, “A” the software engineer nicknamed ‘the expert’, “H” fondly referred as the “secret woman” serving as a QA engineer and finally “I” the systems integration engineer known as ‘the brain’.
Cool down, Jack Bauer wannabes. You're not getting any details of what's going on in terms of counter-terrorist activities. This is more for you fans of the tech people, like Chloe O'Brian without the sourpuss. Or maybe with. (There are no pictures, so we don't know.)
None of the posts in the blog of these four tech-geeks reveals details on real targets, places or names. Instead, the blog portrays the Shin Bet as just another company, trying to attract talent by talking about work hours (one of the bloggers says he’s at home by 6:30pm), salary (”no less than any given tech company”), and facilities (”aren’t gleaming and fashionably designed like I was used to in the world of high-tech”).
Speaking of Chloe, the female blogger, identifying herself with the initial "Het," says, "yes, yes, I'm a woman, at a company almost entirely made up of men." She explains that she has years of experience in high-tech and had been looking for something new when the opportunity came along via a friend. She went through a series of interviews ("they are really attentive to detail," she reports), and after her acceptance discovered that the place was a little different from the stereotypes she thought were true.
(Hat tip to the the Venture Capital Cafe)
It is important to note that there are two (if not more) independent departments, one which deals which Arab threats, and one which is set up to "keep us crazy followers of Torah" under control.
This last department is filled with traitors and brainwashed, State loyalists who are part of the machine of the leftist elite (Peres, Beilin, Aharon Baraq YSh"W) to maintain control.
Ever see Star Trek? The Romulan Tal-Shiar (insuring the loyalty of the people) has got to be based on the Shabba"k.
Esser Agaroth
Posted by: Ben-Yehudah | March 23, 2008 at 02:13 AM