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annabel lee

Big hugs to you, Esther. Hang in there, sweetie...


Do I see a moving day in your new future?


"True, many of my homies are still in the Holy Land, and I miss them something fierce, but it was nice to throw back a cocktail or two and relax a little."

I miss those Zionists a little myself. Anyway, thanks for coming out last night. Never underestimate the power of your presence.


Yikes, Esther, sorry to hear about this. If life were a romantic comedy, you'd already be on a second date with the asshole from upstairs. Not to worry, though, because somewhere in the end of the second act he'll propose marriage and you'll accept...only to realize by the end of the third act that it's really a Jewschooler you love and he's been too shy to tell you all along...

(seriously, sorry to hear about your trouble)


holy crapo. That sucks big time.

Also, who has time for baths?

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