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I have one of those posts on my blog. It was weird to write because it's so random. But it's not all of the little things that make me Me. The most personal and intimate details will not be found anywhere on my blog, and I think most experienced blog readers realize that when they come across any "personal" blog. Blogs are the tips of the iceburgs of our souls? Haha.


100 is a lot. I could think of maybe 10 unique and/or interesting things about me, but not 100.


I'm with mirty - I couldn't come up with 100 interesting things about myself!


Having met you in person Esther, I know that you have one of the most incredible laughs! It's kinda throaty and gutteral -- so unique and special about you -- and you're not stingy about letting it out either!

I'm confident that when you meet "him," that he too will notice and appreciate your sense of humor (as evident to anyone who reads your blog, of course) and the laugh that goes with it.



Have also thought about this. Strangely, I don't think I could spout out 100 things. Might be an interesting exercise 'Live' over a few glasses of wine...

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